How to Choose the Best Grow Light for Indoor Plants

Did you recently discover your green thumb? Are you looking to grow some indoor plants? The ongoing pandemic forced people to discover new things to do.

Interestingly, the health crisis ushered in a home gardening revolution globally. However, caring for plants, especially indoors, may not be as simple as you think it is. It comes with certain requirements to ensure the growth and health of the plants.

One of these requirements is getting the right amount of light. Since you’ll be growing plants indoors, a grow light becomes your best friend. The question now is, how do you pick the best grow lights for your plants?

Continue reading below for a quick guide to choosing the best LED grow light for sale.

Pick Your Plants and Crops

Before you buy a grow light, you must first determine the type of plants and crops you wish to grow. Decide on the kind of plants and how much of them you wish to grow. This way, you will also get an idea of how much light you need.

The type of plants you choose will also affect the other factors for choosing a grow light. Moreover, it will have an impact on the light’s intensity, spectrum, and coverage. It will set the direction toward the right light bulb to choose from.

Also, certain plants benefit the most from grow lights, especially during winter. For starters, succulents like aloe vera, jade plants, snake plants, and cactus love the sun and brightness.

In the same way, orchids also love to get a lot of light. Ideally, they need about 10 hours of light per day. This should go alongside proper indoor temperature and humidity.

In case you wish to grow cannabis, the LITELUME™ All Purpose Grow Light (LL-APGL) is an excellent option to consider. It comes with key features like secondary optics, 2 different spectrums, and 4 varying wattages that your cannabis plant will benefit from.

Mind Your Budget

Another factor to consider when buying a grow light for sale is your budget. The key is to set a budget before you begin your search. This way, you already know your limits and avoid options that will hurt your pockets.

You also want to consider the amount of light in relation to the energy costs you are willing to pay. In this case, the wattage of the lights will matter a lot. Thus, keep in mind that you need to turn on your grow lights for about 12 hours a day.

The Intensity Matters

The intensity of the grow light is also another factor to consider. This pertains to the amount of light that reaches your plants from the light fixture. Hence, the higher the intensity, the farther you can position it away from the plants.

This is important since you don’t want the light to be too close to the plants. This poses the risk of burning the plants because of the light’s heat.

Ideally, it is best to go for a grow light with a low photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD). This is the measurement that determines the average density of the fixture’s output.

The Spectrum Counts

You also need to decide on the right spectrum for your plants. The spectrum pertains to the different bands of colors where light comes from. Interestingly, most plants benefit from the spectrum’s blue and red ends.

Moreover, they use a little bit of green and yellow too. To break down the spectrum even further, plants in their vegetative stages need blue light to build their roots and leaves. As they reach their fruit-bearing phase, red light is what they need.

When it comes to grow light options, they come in two types, namely, targeted spectrum and full spectrum. Targeted spectrum grow lights only emit specific colors like blue or red. On the other hand, full spectrum grow lights emit light that is akin to natural sunlight, which covers different stages of plant growth.

If you’re going for targeted spectrum lights, pick one that comes with the option to change the color of the light.

Ample Coverage is a Must

As your plants need to get the right amount of light, you need to ensure that they’re getting ample light coverage. Otherwise, it will affect the health and condition of your plants. When we talk of coverage, the more grow light fixtures you buy, the more coverage your plants get.

Also, you consider the ideal recommendation of 20 to 40 watts of coverage per square foot as a guide. To compute for the lowest coverage per square foot your light bulb offers, divide its wattage by 20. To get the highest possible coverage, divide the wattage by 40.

Check the Height and Mobility

Lastly, you want to consider the distance of your grow lights from your plants. In this case, you want something that offers mobility in terms of adjusting the height.

When your plants are still sprouts, you want your lights to sit lower. As they grow and mature, you should adjust the lights to a higher level.

Grow Lights vs Regular Light Fixtures: What’s the Difference?

Another important question is, does it matter if they use regular light fixtures? What are the key features of grow lights that regular lighting options do not offer?

Firstly, the heat emission coming from regular lights can burn the plants. On the other hand, the heat coming from grow lights is just right to help the plants grow.

Another difference is power intensity. Grow lights generate more power compared to regular lights. In turn, it increases the rate of photosynthesis necessary for plant growth.

When it comes to the price, LED grow lights can be more expensive than regular lights. Nevertheless, it is the impact on the plants that you should look at.

Invest in a Quality LED Grow Light, Today!

Now that you know how to choose the right grow light, you can give your plants the proper amount of light they need to grow and survive indoors. If you’re struggling to find that perfect light, we can help end your search today.

We offer high-quality grow lights for your indoor and outdoor growing needs. Connect with us today and tell us more about your plants. Let’s give them the grow lights they deserve.



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